“List-Grow” Webinar Script

So this is the replay and the transcript for my List-Grow sales webinar which has produced over $2.5 Million in sales in less than 12 months. It’s one of the single most profitable presentations I’ve ever produced in the past 10 years, and you’ll notice the same formula that you’re learning here in 7FSP, was used to write this presentation as well.

It’s definitely worth studying and modelling!

– Mike


Hey everyone, Mike Dillard here and thank you so much for joining me on today’s webinar which is titled: How To Build A Large Audience And Email List From Scratch…

And today I’m going to show you how to do that by walking you through the exact strategy that I’ve used for the past several years,

to build a list of more than 400,000 readers,

which has produced an average annual revenue stream, of more than $5 Million dollars.

This will be a professional grade training session, which means that we’re not going to be talking about amatuer list building strategies like blogging, writing articles, or posting on social media 10 hours per day because they simply don’t work.

Instead, I’m going to show you how marketing professionals build huge lists, and do it without spending a dime out of their pocket. So if that’s a skill you’d like to learn, then you’re in the right place.

Now I decided to put this webinar together for you guys for two reasons,

First… After looking back at my career as an entrepreneur over the past 10 years, I can definitively say that the single most important and valuable asset I’ve ever built, has been my list, and the relationship I have with the people (like you) who are on that list.

As you’ll see later, it has been the spring-board that has allowed me to build successful company, after successful company.

And so if there was one subject that I could teach and pass on, showing you how to build a list like I did, this would be it.

And as for the second reason…

This is one of the last webinars that I ever plan to hold.

As some of you may know, I’m in the process of building a hydroponics system that has the potential to revolutionize the food industry.

It will reduce the cost of organic food by 80-90%, reduce water usage by 90%, and allow you to grow all of the fruits and vegetables you want in the comfort of your home, automatically.

The prototype is just about done, and we’ll be launching it here in 2016.

Needless to say, 100% of my time, money, and attention will be dedicated to the launch of this product once it’s ready.

I’m going to continue to produce and grow the Self Made Man podcast which is a passion project of mine, and I’m going to continue to support my mentoring students, but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to have enough time to produce training with this kind of detail moving forward.

So…This webinar is it…

Assuming the hydro company does as well as I anticipate, this webinar is probably the last opportunity I’ll have to show you how to start the same kind of business that set me free over 10 years ago.

And what kind of business is that exactly?

Well some people might say that it’s an information publishing business because all of my products have been books and courses on topics that range from personal development, to online marketing, to investing.

But in reality, I’m actually in the business of building tribes of people who share a common problem or passion.

I am in the leadership business, and my email list of 400,000+ tribe members is my business’ virtual distribution channel.

The result is the single greatest lifestyle business that you can ever build for yourself.

In fact, here’s WHY you want to build a large list, and a following as soon as possible…

When you have a list, you basically have a business that is based around your biggest passion in life, and your primary job is to simply engage with, and help other people from around the world who share that same passion.

You can run this kind of business without any employees, or an office, and you can do it from anywhere in the world.

When you have a list, you can literally make income on demand by sending a single email.

And as your list continues to grow, that income potential becomes absolutely incredible.

In fact, in today’s webinar I’m going to show you how you can turn your annual income, into your monthly income, within just a few months.

And when you have a list, everything you do in business in the future becomes incredibly easy because you have a built-in following of fans, customers, and supporters.

For example, when I started the Self Made Man podcast recently, it became the #1 show in ITunes in the Health and Self Help categories within 48 hours. How?

Simple… I just emailed my list and told them about it.

Having a large list and a tribe of supporters is the ultimate advantage in business.

BUT… in order to enjoy the benefits that this kind of business can provide,

you have to build your tribe and build your list, so if I was going to hold one last training session, this was the most important topic I could choose.

My Qualifications

Now as for my qualifications when it comes to teaching this topic, well many of you have heard my story, so I’m going to keep this mercifully short…

I started building my first list 2005 when I was in my mid-20’s teaching entrepreneurs how to use attraction marketing strategies to build their businesses.

Within 18 months I was able to go from dead-broke and waiting tables, to making my first million dollars by the age of 27

Within the next two years, that list would grow to more than 200,000 people, which generated an average monthly revenue stream of more than $500,000 per month or $6 Million per year.

In 2010 I my passion had turned towards finance and investing. I didn’t know much about the subject, but it’s all that I ever talked about, so I started a new business in that niche.

Thanks to my existing tribe and list, that business acquired over 8,600 new customers, made over $3.2 million it it’s first 7 days, without spending a single dime on advertising.

By the end of the first year, we’d made over $10,000,000 and my list had grown to more than 400,000 people.

And over the past 10 years, my lists have produced more than $50,000,000 in revenue.

Obviously it goes without saying that having that level of financial success has been great, but what’s really mattered most, is the lifestyle that this kind of business has allowed me to live, which is a life of complete freedom.

There are some really big moments in my highlight reel that I’m incredibly grateful for, like spending two weeks on Necker Island with Richard Branson,

or racing in the Mint 400 with Patrick Dempsey,

or having the freedom to live in Aspen for two months every summer…

But what this business has provided that I’m most grateful for over the years, has been the little things…

Like having the freedom to wake up every morning whenever I want, or buying food and clothes without ever having to look at the price tag,

or having the ability to provide substantial support to causes that I care about like the Make A Wish Foundation where we were recently named Corporation of the Year in Texas,

and as one of the 100 Members of The Well for Charity: Water, along-side Tony Hawk, quarterback Matthew Hasselbeck, Jeff Foxworthy, the co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, and Gary Vaynerchuk.

So if there is a blessing that I could pass on to others in my life, it would how to create the life and lifestyle of your dreams, using this amazing type of business.

So with that being said, here’s exactly what we’re going to cover…

Today I’m going to show you how to take your greatest interest, passion, or area of expertise in life, and turn it into a simple, profitable lifestyle business.

I’m going to show you how to do that, by building a huge list of email subscribers who are passionate about the same problem and passion that you are.

I’m going to show you how marketing professionals like myself build our lists to 100,000 people or more extremely fast, and do it without spending a dime out of our pockets so you can do the same.

If that sounds too good to be true, I totally understand, but I can assure you that it’s not, and I will show you exactly how it’s done today.

I’m going to show you how to automate the entire marketing process so it will produce new list subscribers, customers, and revenue for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, automatically, allowing you to protect your lifestyle.

I’m going to show you which email service I use for the best delivery rates, so you can use them as well.

And most importantly, I’m going to show you how to create an incredibly rewarding business that will change the lives of your customers for the better, and that will make you feel amazing about what you do every single day.

So with that being said, here’s the final portion of housekeeping we need to cover before we get started…

Is This For You?

If you truly want to start a business, but you haven’t been sure where to start, or what to do, this is for you.

If you have a huge problem in your life that you want to solve, or a huge passion that you’d love to turn into a business, this is for you.

If you want to learn how to quickly build a business that produces a monthly income that could exceed your annual income, this is for you.

If you want a simple business that you can run from home or your local coffee shop, and that doesn’t require you to have an office or build a large team, this is for you.

If you want to build a huge following of hundreds of thousands of people, and become a celebrity in your niche, this is for you.

Now with that being said, I have some house rules…

I refuse to pander to anything that resembles or supports a get-rich-quick mentality. So if you’re looking for some kind of a do-nothing type of business that will just magically make you rich, I’m sorry to say that you will certainly not find that here, nor anywhere else, because there is no such thing.

Second, I hate gimmicks. If you think I’m going to show you some magic software that scrapes people’s emails off websites, or anything even remotely like that, you’re going to be disappointed because I absolutely detest that type of thing, and the people who use them.

What we’re talking about here, is turning your name and your reputation into a business with a huge following. And in order to be successful at that over the long term, you have to approach your life, and this business with a very strong sense of honesty and integrity. So if you don’t have those things, then this isn’t going to work out well for you.

Building a huge following is a huge responsibility. What I’m going to teach you today is a real business, that requires real work, that provides value for real people and customers.

Ultimately, the only way to get what you want in life, is to help others get what they want, so if you do not have a sincere desire to help others and deliver an incredible amount of value to others, then this isn’t going to work out for you.

And finally,

I’ve just thrown some pretty big numbers at you here over the past few minutes. I’ve told you that I made my first million dollars while in my 20’s.

I told you that my second company made $3.2 Million in its first 7 days of business, and that my companies have produced over $50 Million in revenue over the last 10 years.

I think it should be fairly obvious, but I’ll say it anyway… My results are not even remotely typical.

It took me six years of failing over and over again before I ever made a dime as an entrepreneur.

So while I can teach you what I’ve done to build my list and my businesses, and essentially give you the road map, what you do with it, and the results that you get are completely up to you.

While I hope that you surpass my levels of success as a handful of my students actually have, I’m not going to remotely suggest or claim that you’re going to make a dime.

In fact I think it’s safe to assume that the vast majority of people who watch or buy training material like this will never get any results or make any money at all. Unfortunately most people buy into training courses on how to build a business, for the same reason they buy a treadmill which never get’s used.

They want the end result, but at the end of the day, they’re simply not willing to put in the time or work to make it happen.

Alright, so if you’re still with me after that little rant, dive in and get to work…

Step 1: How To Build A Large Audience And Email List From Scratch…

The first step to building a huge following and a list, is to really understand the business model in the first place because most people actually don’t.

So let’s start there, and I want to use my friend Christina as an example…

I’ve actually known Christina since college, and today she’s a full-time mom with two kids, and has spent the past two years writing two books on parenting tips for new mothers.

Now that her books are done, her primary goal has been to sell those books, and bring in some revenue.

I think most people, especially small business owners, would agree with that logic. You create a product or service, and then you focus on selling it.

But there’s a reason that the average annual revenue for a small business in the US is only $44,000, and there’s a reason why mine have made over $50,000,000 in the past past 10 years.

She thinks her business is selling books.

It’s not.

Her books are a product, but a product is never a business.

Here’s what I mean…

Starbucks has 23,187 locations in 63 different countries as of the time of this writing.
Most People Think Starbucks Is In The Coffee Business. They’re Not.

Coffee is their product, but their business is actually distribution and real estate.
Those stores represent Starbucks distribution channel.

Television is a distribution channel.

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all distribution channels,

and yes, an email list is a distribution channel.

These are the mediums in which marketing messages flow and goods are sold to the participating audience.

So if Starbucks wants to sell more coffee, they must expand their channel by opening more stores.

Without those stores, there is no business. Same with Chipotle. Same with Wal-Mart.

All of these companies have figured out that their real business is their distribution channel through which goods and services are sold.

We need to remember that as well, as it’s the key to building a business that makes $400,000 in a week, instead of one that only makes $400.

The miracle of building a business in the Internet age, is that it allows a single person to build a massive, global, virtual distribution channel with nothing more than a laptop.

Right now, there’s about 400,000 people from around the world who subscribe to my email list.

In addition to email, I also have the ability to reach out to 46,000 followers on Twitter, 13,000 fans on Facebook, 5,000 subscribers on YouTube, and 10,000+ on ITunes with my podcast

So imagine how many stores I’d have to open in any given industry to get access to 474,000 people who were interested in what I have to offer?

Well the average US Starbucks serves around 400 customers per day.

So if you think about it, every time I send out an email to my list and post a message on my social media channels, I have the same reach as 1,185 Starbucks locations.

And I’m just a 37 year old dude sitting in front of his computer at home which is absolutely crazy to think about.

Thanks to the Internet, you and I have the opportunity to create our virtual distribution channel that spans the entire globe for next to nothing.

Once you’ve started to build your list, (and I’ll show you how to actually do that here in the next section), you can start to sell products and services to your audience, just like Starbucks sells coffee to theirs.

So there are two primary ways to generate sales and revenue with your list…

You can create your own products which is an extremely profitable thing to do. These can be physical products, digital products, mastermind group, or even live events.

Personally I’ve always be a fan of digital information products like an Ebook or membership websites, because they’re essentially free to produce and have a profit margin that’s mover 90%.

For example… When I started my first list in 2005 which consisted of entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry, I realized that I had an opportunity to create some courses on subjects like recruiting, personal confidence, and lead generation that would be extremely beneficial to my audience.

Over the course of the next seven years, I’d end up producing around 10 different courses which I promoted to my list.

The result was over $25,000,000 in revenue.

The second way to generate revenue is to promote other people’s products as an affiliate.

Amazon.com pioneered the concept of affiliate marketing nearly 20 years ago, and today it is one of the most widely used sales startegies in the world.

So here’s a quick example of how you can make a significant amount of money when you have a list, by simply promoting other people’s products.

A few years ago, a gentleman named Mark Ford launched a new investing newsletter.

Mark is an iconic entrepreneur and investor who has written many bestselling books under the pen name, Michael Masterson over the years.

He is definitely someone I consider a mentor, and so when he launched this new publication, I was one of the first to buy it.

After a few months went by and I got to see how great the content was, I reached out to the company’s CEO, Tom Dyson, and asked him if I could promote their newsletter to my list.

They said yes, and were willing to pay me a commission for every sale I made.

So during the course of a single week, I sent out four emails promoting the newsletter to my the subscribers on my email list.

As a result of those emails, I sold over 5,000 subscriptions, and made $419,752 in commissions in a single week, simply by telling my readers about an awesome product that I personally used and loved.

Think about that…

All I did was write four emails telling my list how much I loved a product that I thought they’d benefit from, and I made almost half a million dollars in a single week.

So real quick before we move on…

How was that possible? What was the real reason that campaign was so successful?

This is really important, so please make sure you write this down…

The number of people, or the size of your list, is for the most part, irrelevant.

A list in and of itself, is just a bunch of people’s names. A phonebook is a list, but as far as we’re concerned, it’s has no value.

The actual value of your list-based business, is entirely dependent upon two things…

The quality of the relationship you have with the people on your list,

and the amount of trust they have in you.

This is why you can’t just go buy a list. There is no relationship.

People buy from those they trust.

The one and only reason my readers purchased Mark’s newsletter, is because they trust me.

They know that if I endorse something, it’s because I truly believe in the product and that it will help them.

Over the course of months and years, I have earned their trust, and therefore the ability to ask for the sale. This is why I can send out a few emails, and make $3.2 million dollars in the span of 7 days.

So if you want to have that same ability, here are the unbreakable rules you need to live and run your business by…

Rule #1: Never trade the relationship and trust you have with your readers for money. Ever. This is also known as your reputation, and you only have to burn your list once to ruin it.

Rule #2: Always remember that you are in a position of leadership that is based on service. If you wake up everyday with the attitude that you’re going to help the people on your list attain what they want in life to the best of your ability, you will do very, very well.

Rule #3: Never promote a product or service that you haven’t personally used. If you’re going to recommend something to them, make sure you’ve gone through the entire purchase experience, and the entire product yourself beforehand. If you wouldn’t send your mother there, then don’t send your list there.

Rule #4: And finally, when you screw up, admit it. You’re human, I’m human, and we’re going to make mistakes. When that happens, be completely open, public, and transparent about it. This will actually strengthen the level of trust between you and your tribe, and they will forgive you for whatever happened because they’ll value your honesty more than your mistake.

So now that we know why we want to build a list and where the value of a list actually comes from, it’s time to get into the good stuff…

How to start building your list…

Step 2: Choosing Your Niche.

Your list or your tribe is going to consist of people who share a common interest, passion, hobby, goal, or challenge.

So the very first thing we need to do is figure out what topic or industry, you want to build your business around.

And that is one of the single greatest aspects to this business… Which is that it can, and it actually must, be based on whatever it is that you’re most passionate about…

Personally, my businesses, and therefore the lists that I’ve built, have always been inspired by the biggest personal challenge that I had at the time.

For example, my first business was inspired by the fact that I had been in the network marketing industry, and I hated the fact I had to go sell things to my friends and family members, I had to invite people to hotel meetings, or I had to buy expensive leads and twist people’s arms into joining my opportunity.

Basically my problem was that I was in an industry that was based upon talking to people either in person, or over the phone, and yet I’m an introvert who really doesn’t enjoy talking to strangers all day.

Which meant that I had to come up with a solution, or go back to the drawing board and throw away the last five years of my life.

So I asked myself a question…

What if I could get 10-20 people to call me about my business every day? What if they’d already gotten all the details before we spoke, and they just had a question or two before they decided to buy?

What if I could become the hunted instead of the hunter?

Is that something I’d enjoy doing?

The answer was yes.

So I started looking for a way to do that.

The solution came in the form of a book written by marketing legend, Dan Kennedy called Magnetic Marketing.

The premise was simple, and yet it changed my life forever…

In the book, I learned that you can attract people and prospects to you “magnetically”, by teaching them.

If you position yourself as a teacher and a source of valuable information, then you will attract a crowd as any expert does in their field.

So that’s what I did, and it worked.

I called it Magnetic Sponsoring, and I put up a list-building page, or a capture page as it’s also known, which gave away 7 free training videos on attraction marketing.

And that was the beginning of that business and a list that would grow to more than 200,000 people.

My next company was inspired by the fact that I had no idea how to invest the money my business was making, and I couldn’t find any truly wealthy role-models to learn from,

so I turned that pain into a new business, and a new list which grew to more than 400,000 people in the next 36 months.

So right now I want you to think about what your biggest problem is. Your biggest passion, or your biggest area of expertise.

What would give you energy to wake up and work on every single day?

Opportunity is literally everywhere, and your options are endless… If there’s a group of people who share a passion, problem, or interest, that’s all that you need.

For example…

My friend Grayson Goff is a professional paintball player who’s won the world championships. Obviously he has a lot of passion and expertise for the sport, so he decided to turn that into a business called BKIPaintball.com where he sells training videos and coaching sessions.

My friend Curt has built a list of more than 45,000 entrepreneurs who are interested in learning how to advertise on Facebook. That list has produced more than $1 million in revenue over the last few years.

Video games
Personal Development
Martial Arts
Six Pack Abs
Relationships and love
Collecting toys

The options are literally endless, so take your time and think about your biggest challenge or passion in life, and that’s what you want to base your business on because you’re going to be talking about it with your growing tribe for years to come.

Alright, now it’s time to dig into the stuff you’ve been waiting for…

How to actually build your audience and get people to subscribe to your list.

I can promise you that you will not be disappointed, and that you will want to take some notes, because you’re about to see a new approach to this process that I experimented with a year ago, and that worked incredibly well.

So here we go…

Step 3: How To Build Your List Like A Marketing Professional.

Alright, so in order to build a list, you need four things… And during this section, I’m going to give you some resources. Please don’t worry about checking them out now. This is the most important part of today’s webinar, and I don’t want you to get lost looking at other sites because you’ll miss it.

I will make sure that you guys get an email with a list of all the resources I mention here today after the webinar.

1: Alright, so the first thing we need is traffic and I’ll dive into that here in a minute.

2: The second thing we need is called a capture page, or a landing page.

This is a very simple, one-page website that requires visitors to subscribe to your list by entering their email address in exchange for something of value in return.

It could be series of free training emails.
A free ebook
A free audio or video
A free PDF report of some kind… Etc…

For example, this is the capture page that I use right now to get list-subscribers for my mentoring program. In exchange for subscribing to my list, I’m going to give that person a series of 7 free videos that contain some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over the past 10 years as an entrepreneur.

Now what’s really cool these days, is that there’s an amazing service you can use called LeadPages.net that will let you create your very own capture pages using customizable templates that are proven to work, and that require zero technical skills.

It’s literally drag and drop, and within 60 seconds you can create your own capture page.

3: Now the third item that we need, is an email autoresponder service.

This is the actual service where all of your email addresses are securely stored, and that you’ll use to send out personalized emails to the thousands of people on your list at once.

I’ve used almost every major email service provider in the industry over the years, and the one that I’m using today has been my favorite.

It’s called MailChimp.com. It’s the easiest autoresponder service that I’ve ever used, and you can set up an account for as little as $10 per month.

So all of the emails that you’ve gotten about this webinar, and all of the emails that I send out for my podcast and newsletter, all come from my MailChimp account.

I’ve tested the delivery with a 3rd party service called Mail Monitor,

and as you can see here, my emails are successfully delivered to my readers inboxes instead of spam which is what matters the most.

4: And the fourth thing that you need, is money. And the more money you have the better.

If you want to build a large list, and do it quickly. You’re going to need money. That’s simply the reality of doing business.

Now I can hear the collective groans and moans out there, but…

Before you jump to any kind of conclusions, or exclude yourself from building your business because you don’t have a lot of money, hang in here with me because I’ve got you covered.

Remember… When I started building my first list, I was completely broke and waiting tables, so I promise… I do have an extremely effective solution for you that will solve the money issue.

But first, let’s start back at the beginning of the process, which is traffic.

One of the biggest challenges most people have when it comes to building a list, is getting traffic, or in other words, lots and lots of people to their website.

When it comes to getting traffic and building a list, there is the amateur way, and the professional way.

Amateurs try to build their lists using traffic strategies which require an incredible amount of time and effort, but that produce little-to-no results 99% of the time.

This usually consists of

Making 20 to 30 posts on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram every day.

Posting on forums.

Or writing articles and blog posts that no one will ever read.

It is a LOOONG, grueling battle that might result in 1 or 2 new list-subscribers per day.

In other words, it’s not going to work, and if this is what you’re doing, you are wasting your time.

On the other hand, if you approach the list building process like a marketing professional, amazing things are possible.

In fact, my investing newsletter generated up to 1,800 list subscribers per day, or over 20,000 new subscribers in a single month.

Within two years, we had built a list of more than 400,000 active readers.

So here’s how that’s done…

Remember your capture page?

Well a good one will have a conversion rate of around 30%.

That means that for every 100 people who visit your website, 30 of them will give you their email address and subscribe to your list.

So let’s do the math….

If your website gets 100 visitors per day, that’s 30 new subscribers per day, 900 per month, or 10,800 per year.

If your site gets 500 visitors per day, that’s 150 per day, 4,500 per month, and 54,000 per year.

If your site gets 1,000 visitors per day, that’s 300 per day, 9000 per month, and 108,000 per year.

Now those are numbers that you can get excited about… Those are numbers that can change your financial situation and your life forever.

So how we you get 1,000 visitors per day to your website.


We do what every other real company does… We buy it.

We spend money on advertising.

So instead of just posting a link to your capture page on Facebook and hoping someone will subscribe, let’s say that you start using their advertising platform instead, so your ads start to appear in the feeds of your ideal target audience.

You spend $100 to test an ad which sends people to your capture page.

That test ad produces 20 new email subscribers, which means they cost you $5.00 each.

If you did that every day for an entire month, you’d have 600 new list subscribers, but you’d have spent $3,000 to acquire them.

Ouch. That’s not going to work very well.

So the solution to this problem is called a Self-Liquidating Offer, or an SLO for short.

This is a digital product of some kind that we can offer to our new list subscribers immediately.

For example, when I started selling Magnetic Sponsoring online 10 years ago, I gave away a free 7-day attraction marketing bootcamp series to people who subscribed to my list.

The moment they opted-in, they were taken to a sales page for the full Magnetic Sponsoring Ebook which sold for $39.

So let’s say that you were going to do something similar…

Each day you spend $100 dollars on Facebook ads and in return, you acquire 20 new email list subscribers.

When those 20 subscribers join your list, they’re offered to chance to buy your ebook for $40.

Out of every 20 subscribers, 3 of them buy your book.

$40 x 3 = $120 in revenue.

Congratulations… You are now financially free and have unlocked the keys to the kingdom.

You’ve spent $100, and for that $100 you’ve gotten 20 new list subscribers, 3 new customers, and have generated $120 in revenue.

So not only are your leads free at this point, but you’ve got an extra $20 in your pocket at the end of the day.

Now the rules have the game have changed completely, because when you spend money, you’re making money.

So what if you started spending $1,000 per day on advertising instead of $100?

Well you’d have 200 new list subscribers, 30 new customers, and $1,200 in revenue, giving you $200 in profit.

If we add those numbers up for each month, that’s 6,000 new list readers per month, 900 new customers, and $6,000 in profit.

This is how professionals build massive lists within months instead of years.

This is how you can make money, without having to use your money, because your customers are essentially funding the campaign.

Hopefully this has started to light up a few ideas in your mind, but so far this has all been theory.

What I want to do now is show you how I used this same process last year to launch a simple lifestyle business in less than 30 days, that went on to produce over $80,000 per month in passive income.

Last year I decided to hand over control of my financial education company to my business partner Robert so I could begin work on the development of the hydroponics system I mentioned earlier.

The cost to develop the prototype is substantial… In fact the price will exceed a million dollars.

I still needed a simple, profitable business that wouldn’t take up a lot of my time, and yet still produce enough revenue to pay my bills and for the development of the hydro system.

So my goal was to create a business that could produce $100,000 per month in profit.

But there was a huge problem standing in my way…

It’s one thing to build a list at a break-even cost with a self-liquidating offer, but if you want to build your list AND make a substantial profit each month, you need three product offers.

Make sure you write these down…

To build a really stable, and profitable business while you grow your list, here’s what you need…

1: You need a capture page.

2: You need an extremely high-value, front-end product that’s as inexpensive as possible.
This product is not designed to make money. It’s designed to turn a stranger into a paying customer for the very first time, and ideally a life-long fan.

The single most difficult job that you and I have as entrepreneurs, is getting a new person to pull out their credit card and do business with us for the very first time. So this product is designed to deliver so much value and at such a low price, than they can’t afford not to buy.

3: You need at least one back-end product that’s priced from $197 to $497 which will allow you to cover your cost of advertising. The majority of the money that is produced by this product will be put back into advertising campaigns and covering your business’ overhead.

4: And finally you need monthly continuity income. This is passive income that comes in each and every month from a subscription service of some kind. That could be a monthly newsletter, a mentoring program, a membership site, etc… In the past, I’ve charged anywhere from $29 per month, to $97 per month for mine.

This adds revenue stability to your business. Without it, you’re forced to constantly acquire new customers each and every month to fund your business. This revenue can be considered 100% profit.

These are the minimum three components that are required to create a well-rounded, stable, and profitable business…

But man… That’s a lot of work!

You have to create a front-end product, you have to create a backend product, and you have to create a monthly continuity program.

There’s no way you can do all of that in 30-90 days, and even if you tried it would cost a few thousand dollars in programming fee’s and website development.

Not to mention the fact that you can kiss your lifestyle business goodbye!

Well this was the exact same position I found myself in a year ago.

I needed to start a new business. That business needed all three of these components, and yet I didn’t have the time to create them.

But necessity is the mother of all invention.

What I’m about to show you now, is the most elegant business model that I’ve ever seen, or personally used.

If I were you, and I was going to start a brand new business from scratch, this is exactly what I would do, so pay attention…

My biggest source of personal value and expertise in the world is entrepreneurship and online marketing. It’s what I’ve done for the past 10 years of my life, and I’m one of the best in the world at it.

Offering that knowledge and experience to others was the biggest source of value that I had to offer the world.

So I decided to start a mentoring program for new entrepreneurs called, “Live Free And Prosper”, or LFP for short.

The goal was simple… I was going to give my students the ability to ask me anything they wanted about their business…

Have me critique their websites, provide feedback on their business model, pricing, traffic, anything… And I’d record my answers via video for everyone to watch and learn from.

So here’s what I did…

I decided to create and sell access to the private “LFP community”

And that community took literally took me about 30 seconds to create, for free. All I did was head over to my Google profile, and create a private community. You can do the same thing on Facebook using a Private Group.

Either way, you end up with completely free, and private membership community in less than 30 seconds.

This community was the product, and it was an extremely valuable one… Much more valuable than a simple Ebook or course.

It’s where I would post my training content, answer questions from students, and where they could also interact and help each other.

At the end of the day, your customer share a common interest, common passion, and common goals. They are a tribe, and every tribe needs a place where they can gather. They need a community, so this was the perfect solution.

The result is a much more fulfilling, interactive, and valuable experience not only for you, but for your members.

Now here’s how I turned this single product… The private community… Into a complete business…

First, I needed a front-end offer… Something that had incredible value, and at a price that couldn’t be refused…

So I created a sales video that told people all about LFP, and then offered them the opportunity to try it out risk-free for 7 days, for only $1.00. They would literally get access to the entire community, and all of the content I’d posted in there, for a single dollar.

If it exceeded their expectations and didn’t cancel their trial, they would be billed $37 on day 8, and continue at $37 per month until they decided to cancel.

So I’ve taken one product, and used a pricing strategy to check the boxes for an irresistible front-end offer, and a monthly continuity program.

That left me with one box left to check, which was a back-end that was priced at $197 or more.

So here’s what happened next.

If someone stayed for an entire year at $37 per month, their membership would cost them a total of $444.

So once they entered in their payment information and confirmed their purchase of the $1.00 trial for 7 days, they were taken to a page which gave them a one-time-offer…

If they would commit to joining the LFP mentoring program for a full year, they could do so right now for one single payment of $297, which represented a savings of 33%.

So let’s summarize this really quick, because this is nothing short of revolutionary in my opinion…

We have created a complete 3-part business model which would normally take 6-12 months to build

And we did it for free in a single day.

I would provide my time and expertise to my students in the form of a weekly video which takes me about 3 hours to record, edit, and upload to YouTube.

I was able to take that one product, and create a complete 3-part business model with a low-cost front-end, monthly continuity income, and backend revenue, by simply offering it at different three different price points.

I didn’t have to write an ebook, record a DVD series, build an expensive website, or spend months writing a 500 page backend course, and the testimonials I that were sent in, were the best I’d ever received because people felt that they were part of a real community.

Soooooo did it actually work?

Well let’s take a look at my actual numbers!

Now when you start a new advertising campaign it’s important to start slowly to test its effectiveness.

So for about 7 to 10 days, we were spending $100 to $200 per day to see what our conversion rates would be.

Once we saw they were profitable, we cranked it up.

The numbers I’m about to show you are for a 7 day period, from February 19th to February 26th.

All of these stats and sales are from my Facebook advertising campaign,

so none of these sales came from my existing list.

So as usual, we started small, spending around $100 per day testing conversion rates. The results were positive, so we ramped it up fast!

During this campaign, we spent a total of $24,551 in a 7 day period.

That $24,500 in advertising produced 2,737 new list subscribers, and 760 new customers.

Out of those 760 customers, 128 of them (17%) took the annual upsell option for $297 which produced an immediate return of $38,016.00 in revenue.

Which means I’d created another 632 month subscribers at $37 per month moving forward. That represents $24,016 in monthly passive income which would start at the end of that week on the 8th day of their trial.

That means that we spent $24,551 on advertising, and we made $38,016 immediately on the annual memberships giving us a profit of $13,465 that week, and a new monthly income of $24,016 moving forward.

And remember… These stats are just from the first 7 days of the ad campaign.

By the 3rd month of the business, we’d acquired 2,248 monthly members, and my monthly passive income had increased to $85,886 per month.

And that ladies is gentlemen, is how you build a large list quickly, get paid to do it in the process, change your financial destiny within 2-3 months, and provide an incredible amount of value to the marketplace, all at the same time.

What I’ve just shown you is the exact same system and strategy that I’ve used time and time again, to turn my biggest problems and passions into the ultimate lifestyle business, and as you can see, this isn’t rocket science.

This is the simplest, easiest, and fastest way to build a large list, and a profitable business, that I’ve ever seen in my 10 year career as an entrepreneur, and clearly it works.

In order to achieve financial freedom in life, you need to build a list.

And in order to build a large list quickly, you need to buy traffic and attention by spending money on advertisements.

The best way to buy advertising is to let your customers fund the campaign, by offering them a valuable product or service.

And the fastest, easiest, and highest value product that I’ve ever seen, is access to a private, paid community when you can deliver your value, interact and help your tribe, and have fun all in one place.

So what do you do next?

Well I’m going to assume this made a lot of sense to you today, and that this is a business and a list-building strategy that you want to start using immediately, but I’m also going to assume that you’d prefer to have some help with the process,

So here’s what we can do…

Starting next week, I’m going to personally take on a final group of marketing students and help them set up this entire system, step-by-step.

It’s a two month rapid implementation program I’ve named, “List-Grow”,

and this implementation program is specifically designed to help you build your first list, and create a profitable lifestyle business from scratch using the exact same method that I just showed you today.

So if you want to build your first big email list and audience around your biggest passion.

If you want to build your list without spending a ton of money out of your pocket

If you want to become a trusted and respected authority in your market…

And if you want to create the kind of simple, lifestyle business that can take what you are making right now every year, and turn that into your level monthly income…

Then this implementation program is specifically for you.

Here’s how we’re going to do it…

The List-Grow Implementation Program is broken down into Four Modules…

Module 1: Niche Selection

Module 2: Lead Capture And List Growth

Module 3: Monetization

Module 4: Long-Term Relationship Development

So here’s what you’re going to get when you join…

List-Grow is an implementation program, so by the time we’re done with it, you will have a finished list-building system and community in the niche of your choice.

That’s possible because these isn’t your typical training course where someone tells you what to do, and then leaves you confused and wondering how to actually do it.

The videos I’ve created for you in List-Grow are literally recordings of my computer screen as I walk you through the entire creation of your list-building business, step-by-step, and click-by-click.

This isn’t just about theory and instruction. This is about implementation and execution.

Together we’re going to start at the very beginning, and go through the entire process, so in Module 1, I’m going to help you select the right niche to build your list, and your business in, based on your biggest passion or problem in life right now.

We’ll do this using the same, proven method I’ve personally used over the past 10 years, to come up with the ideas for both of my companies, which have produced more than $25,000,000 in revenue each.

So if you are incredibly excited about the business model that I’ve show you today, but you’re not quite sure what niche to use it in, don’t worry. This is the very first thing we’re going to cover in the program.

If you already have a business, and you just want to build a massive audience and list, then that’s perfect… You’re already ahead of the curve.

Once we have your niche selected, I’m literally going to take you through every single step from the very beginning.

For example, I’m going to show you how to log into GoDaddy and purchase the right domain for your new business, and even show you how to set up your very own personal email address like I have at Mike@MikeDillard.com

Next in Module 2, I’m going to help you create your entire list-building marketing funnel.

We’ll start with the free value offer that you’ll be giving away on your capture page, in exchange for your visitors email address. This could be a free report, ebook, training series, video, or even a free sample of a physical product.

This is one of the most important steps in the entire process, so I’m going to show you how to come up with the perfect free offer for your particular market and audience to ensure you have a capture page that converts cold traffic, into new list subscribers.

Next, I’m going to show you how to create your very own capture page that converts like crazy using the same point and click software that I use. And when I say show you, you’re going to watch over my shoulder as I log into my account, and create a brand new capture page, step-by-step right before your eyes.

You can literally watch me, click where I click, and re-create the exact same page for your business within minutes.

Once we have your first capture page completely, I’m going to show you how to set up the most important part of any marketing campaign… Your very first split-test.

Split-tests are what we do as marketers to constantly increase our conversion rates. This is extremely easy to do, but if you skip this step, your entire marketing campaign is literally doomed to fail.

If you’ve attempted to purchase ads on Facebook in the past, and didn’t get the results you wanted, this is why.

The goods news is that I’m not going to let that happen to you again, so In List-Grow, I’m show you which parts of your capture page to split-test, and in which order to maximize your results.

Next, I’ll show you how to set up your MailChimp email account. You’ll watch over my shoulder as we create your first email template for your newsletters.

I’ll teach you my tricks for writing the best subjects lines, headlines, and how to make sure your emails actually reach your subscribers inbox, and get read.

And by the way, how often should you actually email your readers and what should you say?

This is obviously one of the most important parts of this puzzle that you need to know, because building an email list isn’t going to do you much good if you don’t know how to build a relationship with your list, and eventually market your products and services to your subscribers.

So in this section of List-Grow, I’m going to tell you exactly what I do, and I’m even going to give you a collection of my best emails so you can model them.

And when I say “best emails”, I mean copies of the actual of emails that I’ve sent during my promotions which have produced millions of dollars. In fact, just one series of emails you’re going to get, made over $3.2 million dollars in 7 days.

And you can’t get find them anywhere else. These are personal emails that I sent to my subscribers during this particular promotion, so this is the only place you’ll ever get to see them.

Once we have all of the list-building components of your business set up, we’re going to dive into Module 3 and set up the product, or revenue generating side of your business.

You’ll do this using the exact same 3-part business model that I showed you earlier in today’s webinar.

Once again, we’re going to walk through the entire process, step-by-step with videos, so you can follow along with me, and create every part of your system at the same time.

First, I’ll show you how to set up your private community using Google or Facebook so you can create a valuable home for your customers.

I’ll even show you how and where to get a great logo created so your business will look like a million bucks.

Once your private community is setup, I’ll show you how to create the three pages you’ll need for to market and sell your product.

This is your sales page, your checkout page where they’ll enter their payment information, and your upsell page for the annual membership offer.

Fortunately there is some brand new software that that will allow you to create the same exact funnel we need, complete with a $1.00 trial, a monthly subscription service, and an annual upsell, with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Now one of the single biggest challenges that new entrepreneurs face, is simply the ability to accept credit cards, which is something you obviously need to have the ability to do.

If you have great credit and a previous history as a good merchant, it can still take weeks. If you’re brand new, or if you have a low credit score, it can be incredibly difficult to get your merchant account.

Well I have good news for you. I’ve recently found a new merchant company that will allow anyone to create their first merchant account, within two minutes, and without a credit check so you’ll be able to accept, visa, mastercard, discover, and american express payments just like every major retailer, without having to go through the traditional, and very lengthy merchant application process.

Not only that, but this merchant provider integrates directly into our shopping cart software with one single click, so they’re built to work together right from the start.

Now If you’re not exactly sure what kind of product or service you should provide to your new tribe and customers, don’t worry about that. We’ll talk about this extensively in the program, and I’ll make sure that you can deliver an experience that will provide an overwhelming amount of value to your customers, and that you can be proud of.

Next, we’ll dive into the most important part of this entire process… And that is the creation of your sales letter.

At the end of the day, your marketing campaigns will only be as effective as your sales copy. Fortunately, this is my strongest skillset, so you’re in very good hands.

Writing advertisements and sales letters that convert cold traffic into paying customers is an art and a science.

In fact there’s a 12 part formula that I’m going to give you as a part of this program.

This formula is the backbone behind every sales presentation that I’ve ever created.

In other words, it works incredibly well.

So I’m going to give you that formula, But I’m not going to stop there.

For the very first time, I’m also going to give you a fill-in-the-blank template for an entire sales letter.

All you need to do is fill in the blanks with information about your business, and you’ll have the makings of an incredibly effective sales piece.

And there’s even more…

One of the best ways to create a sales letter that converts traffic into paying customers, is to model existing letters that are prove to work, so I’m also going to give you transcripts of my most successful sales letters and video scripts.

In fact, I’m going to give you the actual script to my LFP sales video from our case study earlier that produced over $1 Million in sales last year.

And we’re still not done…

As I mentioned earlier, promoting other people’s products as an affiliate is an incredibly easy and effective way to provide valuable solutions to your readers, so I’m going to teach you how to do this as well by giving you a full breakdown of the Mark Ford promotion I mentioned earlier.

You’ll even get copies of all four emails that produced over $419,000 in commissions in less than a week, so you can study them, and apply the same unique strategy to your promotions.

And finally in Module 4, I’m going to give you the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the past 10 years when it comes to building your brand, building a stellar reputation in your market, and how to maximize and maintain the relationship with your list so you can turn all of your future endeavors into a seemingly overnight success.

Essentially I’m going to show you how to build an asset for life so you’ll never, ever, have to start over from scratch again…

Earlier I mentioned that this strategy can be applied to any business in any industry, so I wanted to share a great example of that with you…

This is an email that I received from Miles Beckler who bought List-Grow a few months ago and applied the strategies to the business he and his wife started around spirituality, and I wanted to share it with you real quick.

Mike, I was an original member of LFP and you really helped me kick my business and website up to the next level with leadpages/squeeze pages and OTOs… I even won a free consult with Curt Maly in your contest, last year…

Then List-Grow came out and I jumped on it… Those VSL scripts and the production took time and a SERIOUS amount of work… But we finally launched our new membership program and BOOM! 🙂 Next-level, again!

Over $35,000 from my first 2 mailings in 2 weeks (subscribers list once and segment of who didn’t click for the second)… And over $8500 in monthly Cashflow plus the $20k that will re-bill next year! 🙂

Now it is time to lay on the Facebook PPC THICK because I’m ready to play with some italian sports cars and track days!!!

Huge thanks for being 100% YOU!

Now, I do have a question…. Can I promote List-Grow as an affiliate?

Well, high fives and hugs to you, even if you are a support rep reading this…. Just be sure to pass along the love!

And if you read this mike… Cheers to the next 5 years and beyond! I look forward to your organic food growing system and to continue to be inspired by your awesome-ness.

Cheers From costa rica,

Miles Beckler


And here is a screenshot of their merchant account that they sent along as well…

So there are three things that you’ll want to take away from this email…

1: That this is a business model you can apply to any industry, and a run it from anywhere in the world, including the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica.

2: As Miles mentioned, this isn’t a get-rich quick strategy. What I’m going to show you how to do requires real work, but will allow you to build a real business that can produce real results.

3: This is a picture of a check that I sent Miles and his wife for $1,497, and I will tell you why I sent them this check, in just a minute…

But before we get to that, you’re probably wondering about the price at this point.

Great question. “List Grow” isn’t just a training course. I’m not going to send a binder to your house with 500 pages to read.

This is a step-by-step, business implementation program that will take 60 to 90 days to complete, and by the time you’re done with it, you should have a complete, and functional list-based business in the niche of your choice, just like the one I showed you today.

A business where you can literally generate cash on demand by sending out an email, and where there’s no limit to your income potential.

A business where you can work whenever you want, and from wherever you want.

And as your list grows so will your influence, your impact, and your legacy.

In my humble opinion, after making more than $50,000,000 using this business model, this is the single best business that you can pursue in the world, and the sooner your start building your list, the better.

So there are two ways I can help you do that…

Option one is that I can personally teach you. Which means you can hire me for one-on-one consulting and I can walk you through the entire process.

I charge $2,500 per hour for my time, and no that’s not a number I just made up. That’s literally what I charge.

IMAGE: In fact, this wire for $10,000 is from a very successful marketer who purchased four, one hour consulting calls.

It’s going to take me around 40 hours to walk you through the entire setup process for your list business, which means it’s going to cost you around $100,000 to set up this business with my personal help.

But that’s not the option I would take, even if you could afford to.


Because what I’m going to tell you to do over the phone, is the exact same thing I’m going to show you how to do in the “List-Grow” program.

So don’t get me wrong… If you want to pay me $100,000 to walk you through this, it’s up to you, and it would be worth it, but I think you’ll find that the List-Grow training videos will be even more effective, and a fraction of the price.

Your second option, is obviously to join List-Grow, and let me walk you through the entire implementation process online.

Instead of paying me $100,000 for my personal time, you’re going to get immediate access to more than 20 step-by-step, click-by-click videos that will literally walk you through the entire list-building, and business building process.

When you reach the last video, you will have a complete, list-building, revenue generating business in any industry you want.

The retail price to access the entire List-Grow program at MikeDillard.com is just $2,997.

Considering that you can walk away with an entire business for just a few hundred dollars more than a single hour of my time, I’m sure you agree that’s exceedingly fair.

But here’s the deal…

This is the last training program that I plan to produce, as I move on to run and grow my hydroponics business.

My biggest thrill in life, is getting letters from students like you’ve gone through my work, and who have used it to change their lives.

So here’s what I’m going to do…

If you’re willing to invest in yourself today, I’m willing to invest in you.

I’m going to take $1,500 out of my pocket, and I’m going to invest that in you and your future success with List-Grow.

The fact that you’re still here watching this webinar over an hour later shows me that you’re actually serious about acquiring this knowledge and that you have a real desire to master this skillset and use it to change your life.

So writing now during this webinar, I’m going to give you a 50% discount, and reduce the price to just $1,497.

To put that into perspective, you just saw me use the exact same strategy to launch a new business, and make over $24,000 per month in the first 7 days, and you saw that income increase to over $86,000 per month in less than 90 days.

So obviously investing just $1,497 into List-Grow so you can acquire this skill set is a life-changing opportunity.

But there is one small catch…

Your $1,500 discount is only good for the next hour.

Why? Because decisiveness is a trait shared by all successful entrepreneurs. Simply put, you cannot build a business while sitting on a fence, so I want you to get off the fence and decide to change your future.

So here’s what to do next…

On the right hand side of your screen, you’ll notice that a button has just appeared to join List-Grow

I want you to click that button right now to join and when you do that,

A fully secured checkout page will pop-up in a new window so fill it out while you continue to listen to the rest of the webinar.

After you fill out the registration form and hit submit, you’re going to be taken to the Login page for List-Grow Members where you’ll just enter the username and password that will be sent to you via email.

And that’s it.

You will have instant access to the entire course so you can literally start building your business today, and you can go through the entire process as fast as you want.

Watch the welcome video to get started, and you’re officially on your way to building your very own large email list and audience, and what can be an incredibly profitable business.

And by the way, make sure you forward your receipt email to your CPA because List-Grow is a tax deductible business expense under the continuing education category.

Now in addition to the 50% discount that you can take advantage of for the next hour, I want to make this a completely SAFE decision for you, without any risk what-so-ever.

So I’m going to guarantee your satisfaction with a two-part guarantee that is absolutely unprecedented.


First and foremost, you’re essentially hiring me to be your virtual coach when you join List-Grow. And like any good coach, I don’t accept excuses for inaction.

So List-Grow comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, but to be eligible for a refund, you must complete the business plan worksheet that you get in Module 1, and send it to me.

By the time you’ve answered the 11 questions on it, you’ll know exactly what kind of business you’re going to build, who to market to, what to name it, and how to set yourself apart from the competition…

List-Grow works incredibly well if you do the work.

On the other hand, if you do the work and don’t get value, then we don’t deserve your money and we’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition.

Just send an email to support@mikedillard.com within the next 30 days, along with your completed business plan from Module 1, and we’ll issue you a full refund.

Now, here’s the second part of my guarantee, and where things get really exciting…

Believe it or not, my goal here isn’t to sell you a training program, and I’m going to prove that to you right now…

My ultimate goal is to turn you into an entrepreneur.

It’s to help you create an incredible new source of income and purpose in your life, and to ultimately set you free…

And while I’m going to take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do here in List-Grow… In order to reach you goal, you must take action. At this point I’m confident that you’re ready to get started, that you’re serious about building your business, and that you’re ready to take action, because you wouldn’t still be here other wise…

So here’s my promise to you and my challenge to you…

Follow along with the program and build your business just like I’m going to show you how to do, click-by-click. When you do, you’ll end up with a complete and working business that can

generate leads, build your list, accept credit cards, and deposit money into your bank account.

When you’ve finished List-Grow, and you’re business is complete,

send my team an email at Support@MikeDillard.com at anytime over the next 12 months with a link to your new business

and I’ll send you a check for the $1,497 to cover the entire cost of the program. In other words, I’m going to pay you to finish the program and change your life.

This is why I sent that check to Miles that I showed you earlier…

So there’s literally no way you can lose here.

At a bare minimum, you have a full 30 day money back guarantee to go through the entire program risk-free, and when you’ve successfully built your business just like the program will show you how to do, I’m going to send you a check for the entire cost of the course.

But that’s not all…

In addition to your 50% discount today, and my unprecedented guarantee, I’m going to give you another bonus…

Obviously one of the most important parts of your new business will be traffic, so you’re going to get an an exclusive training session to show you how to set up your very first facebook advertising campaign like the one I used to acquire 760 LFP Customers in a week.

And in addition to that training video,

I’m also going to give you the contact information for the, “do-it-for-you” agency that I personally use to run all of my traffic campaigns.

So if that’s something that has been a challenge for you, or a source of stress in the past, this is your opportunity to work with some of the best in the industry, so you’ll never have to worry about traffic again.

That single resource is in my humble opinion, worth the $1,497 price of the entire program alone. If I had the opportunity to pay someone $1,497 to find out about this agency, I’d pay it in a heartbeat because they’re making my business tens-of-thousands of dollars per week, and they take all of that work and stress of my plate.

Alright, so to recap… When you join today,

You’ll be immediately enrolled in the full, List-Grow implementation program where you’ll have instant access within the next few minutes to the entire Member’s Area which will allow you to create your very own list-growing business based around your biggest passion, just like the one I created for LFP.

When you join today before the deadline below expires, I’m going to give you a massive, 50% discount, reducing the price from $2,997, to just $1,497.

You get a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee so you can go through the entire program without any risk what-so-ever.

Follow along and build your business just like I’m going to show you how to do. Send me a link to your complete, and working funnel at anytime within the next 12 months, and I’ll mail you a check for $1,497.

You’ll also get my Traffic Bonus, which is a 5th Module on Facebook advertising that will show you how to set up your own Facebook ad campaign, and I’m also going to introduce you to the agency I use to run all of my personal traffic campaigns so you will never have to worry about getting traffic to your capture pages again.

So as you can see, there is literally no way you can lose here, so all you need to do at this point is click the add-to-cart button below. fill out the registration form, and you’ll get instant access to the program. If you change your mind at any point, you have my guarantee to back you up.

So, at this point you’ve watched this entire presentation…

And you know that building a list is the single best way to create a lucrative and rewarding lifestyle business,

And it’s clear that List-Grow will show you how to do exactly that.

So I’d like to invite you one last time to participate in this implementation program

so you can start building YOUR list and YOUR tribe, and change your life in the process.

I’ve made sure this is a completely safe decision for you to make, without any risk what-so-ever,

so click the link to the right on your screen to get started, and if you have any lingering doubt that List-Grow is anything less than what I’ve said it is, I wanted to share some of the feedback and emails that have been sent in by current List-Grow students.

So I’m going to play some of those for you now as we sign off and take the next step of getting started.

Thank you so much for joining me here on the webinar today And I’m looking forward to helping you build your list!

Mike Dillard

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