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Day 45: Lose Weight And Gain Confidence With The ONNIT At-Home Fitness Routine

Day 45 Lesson Progress:


About This Lesson:

Building a successful business is a full-contact sport. It can be incredibly stressful, emotionally and physically, for years at a time.

If you’re going to succeed, you need energy, focus, and stamina that will last the entire day.

You need to have a positive outlook on life, and confidence in yourself and your potential.

This can be incredibly difficult to do if you’re feeling depressed… If you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror every morning, and if you are trying to manage your stress with food and alcohol.

What most entrepreneurs don’t realize, is that the key to success in every area of life, including your business, starts with your body.

Try having a positive, ‘let’s conquer the world!’ outlook when you’re drinking beer and eating wings. It’s not going to happen.

If you want to dramatically change your productivity levels, your attitude, and your outlook on life, there is nothing you can do that’s more effective than getting exercise every single day.

You’ll start burning cortisol that causes stress and fat storage, and you’ll start to increase your testosterone production which will burn fat, increase your competitiveness, sex-drive, and your overall outlook on life.

You’ll start to wake up with more energy in the mornings, and you’ll start to love the way you look in the mirror which is going to increase your confidence levels.

As your “healthy hormones” like testosterone and serotonin continue to increase, they’ll have a direct impact on your mood and mindset, which will have a direct impact on your business results.

So where do you start?

Well that’s what this incredible class with ONNIT is all about.

Onnit’s Chief Fitness Officer, John Wolf, and trainers Jena Mays and Eric Leija have put together an exclusive 30-day fitness routine for Mike Dillard that will help you create the body you truly want.

And the best part, is that there’s no gym equipment required. All you need to get started is a single kettle-bell.

Watch the full class now, and then download the ONNIT 30-Day Fitness Challenge below.

If you’re looking for that extra boost in performance and recovery while you take the Challenge, ONNIT produces the best quality health-supplements in the world.

They have generously offered a 10% discount on all supplements and performance foods to Mike Dillard Members.

Simply use “selfmade” as the coupon code during checkout.

We highly recommend “Alpha Brain” which will give you hours of mental clarity and focus, without caffeine or stimulants. In fact, Mike takes Alpha Brain before every Mike Dillard podcast episode and video recording.

You can learn more about ONNIT and their product line of kettlebells and supplements here…


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