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Day 9: Put the Victim To Bed and Wake the Hero Instead

Day 9 Lesson Progress:


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About This Lesson:

It starts with telling your story.

It starts with ripping off the mask.

It starts by looking in the mirror and being honest.

And to get to the end, you must begin with the start.

Yet to get there, you must stop.

You must stop believing that you have to be perfect.

You must stop running from your insecurities.

You must stop believing that you aren’t enough.

Because you are enough. You are also imperfect. And that is okay.

Today’s lesson is all about surpassing expectations. It’s about accepting who you are and letting go of the crap that tells you otherwise.

To walk you through this process, Wes Chapman shows you how he defied unbelievable odds — and how you can, too.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be inspired to gain clarity and confidence so that you can become your own superhero no matter what life throws your way.

In today’s lesson with Wes:

  • Understand why trying to prove others wrong can sabotage you. You’ll discover the single most important thing to do instead of trying to prove yourself to others.
  • Get rid of your excuses. Learn Wes’ three-step code to unlock the hero inside you so that you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be.
  • Redefine your words. You’ll recognize the #1 word that will help you unlock your hero.
  • Stop pretending. You’ll learn how to escape the mental game and gain the freedom that comes from genuine honesty. (The best part? Doing so will help you achieve your greatest potential.)
  • Take control of your life. Being a victim gets you absolutely nowhere, and Wes shows you how to seize back that control so that you can heal.
  • And finally, walk through the entire process of healing with two of Wes’ audience members. Despite having never met these people, Wes forges a powerful connection with them and shows them how to take back their own power.

Move past the six-year old version of yourself and take ownership of your life by following along with this emotionally wrenching lesson with Wes Chapman.

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