Now You Can Experience The Revolutionary "$REWIRE" Process From Home!

This Is Your Chance To Rapidly Remove The Limiting Beliefs And Habits That Have Been Holding You Back From Your Next Level Of Success...

***Rewire Is Currently Sold Out***

Radical transformation doesn’t take a radical amount of time.

No, You don’t need to meditate on a mountain, you don’t need to do ayahuasca in the jungle and you don’t need to spend years in talk therapy …

All you need to do is identify the limiting beliefs and subconscious programs that have been holding you back your entire life.

Here’s the thing….

The only thing holding you back from doing whatever you want in life is simply the idea that you couldn’t or dont deserve it.

Maybe you’ve earned the income that most people would be thrilled to have but it never feels like enough and you can’t seem to take a vacation or actually enjoy the life you’ve built.

Or maybe you’ve done well in business but you know you have the potential for so much more and you can’t seem to break through the next level regardless of how hard you try. You just feel “stuck”.

Or maybe you’re in a transition and wanting to go from your corporate job to the side hustle you’ve been building and all the signs show you’re ready but you’re afraid to finally make that leap.

Somehow, somewhere along the way an idea was planted….. and it took root and it grew into the very thing holding you back.

That created a feedback loop….

Because you believed something, you perceived it and experienced it to be true. Then because you experienced it, you believed it to be even more true … and so the cycle continues.

This is what I call a belief feedback cycle.

Think about this…

Have you ever fought for your limitations? Have you ever thought to yourself “See, I knew I couldn’t do _____”

This is the perfect example of how a feedback loop works.

And here’s the worst thing about it…. The vast majority of people will stay stuck fighting for their own limitations and proving they are right their entire lives.

So How Do You Free Yourself
From This Cycle?


It has everything to do with your subconscious.

This is where your thoughts, beliefs and lifelong experiences are held and these programs are what determine everything you experience in your life.

If you want to change your results in life, you must change the programs that are held in your subconscious.

The hard part is that these thoughts and beliefs are invisible. You’re not consciously aware of them. If you were you would have fixed them already and you wouldn’t have the challenges you’re faced with today.

Every single one of us has had limiting beliefs and programs holding us back, including me…

Some common ones are…

The good news is that there are ways you can bring yours to the surface and literally rewrite them.

When the beliefs we have about ourselves change, everything changes.

We call this the Rewire process and it’s what Mike and I used to completely change every aspect of our lives. It’s helped Mike rebound after his brain injury to achieving new levels of wealth in a record time. It’s helped me become a self made millionaire in less than a year.

And it’s helped Oprah Winfrey overcome depression and Leonardo DiCaprio overcome roadblocks in relationships and it’s the backbone of the techniques that Tony Robbins built his massive life coaching career on.

You probably remember reading about the two Rewire events we held last year in Austin…

This is where we took over 75 incredible people and helped them break through the limitations holding them back in a matter of just days, creating profound levels of transformation in the process…

Here’s what a few of them had to say about the experience…

“I Can’t Tell You How Much This Has Meant To Me, And To Us...”

“I Would Tell Anybody
To Do This In A Heartbeat…”

“I’ve Tried A Lot Of Things, And I Had No Idea How Much This Would Impact Me. I Feel Completely Different...”

“I Came Here To Rewire Myself For Money, And I Gained The Tools I Needed To Learn How To Love Myself…”

“This Event Gave Me Awareness Of My Internal Dialog Around Money, And This Is Going To Be Life-Changing For Me…”​

“After Being In The Military, I
Realized I Had Lost My Way And
Lost Touch With Myself…”

“I Released Being Bound
To The Past…”

“The World Is Going To Be A
Completely Different Place
Because Of This Meeting…"​

“I Got Exactly What I Came For…”

“It Blew Away All Of My Expectations…”​

“My Parent’s Financial Reality
Became My Programming…”

“I Feel Like I’ve Been Gifted With A Super Power. I’m Going To See Every Area Of My Life Ascend…”

“By Far The Most Impactful Four Days I've Ever Experienced…”

“It Was An Absolute Blessing
To Be Here…”​

And Now I Want To Help
You Do The Same…

For the very first time, we’re going to take people through this incredible $REWIRE process from the comfort of your own home…

During the month of February I will lead a small group through this incredible break through process that will literally $REWIRE Your Mind For Wealth and so much more.

This process will allow you to finally LET GO of…

And for the first time ever you can go through the $REWIRE process…

However, due to the nature of small group coaching, I can only take a limited amount of people through it at a time and there are a few criteria you’ll need to meet…

The $REWIRE process is for people who… 

With this in mind, please note that this experience is not for people who have significant trauma in their past or mental illness that they’re looking to currently heal.

If you’re currently experiencing PTSD, Bi-Polar disorder, or if you’re currently on prescription medications for serious mental illness, this virtual Coaching experience is not for you at this time, as those conditions are best supported in person.

This is for high-performers who are ready to break through their limitations and make a bigger impact on the world.

If that sounds like you, and if you’re ready to $REWIRE your mind for a new level of success in every area of your life, here’s what you need to know and the dates and times to reserve on your calendar now.

Prework Commitment:

This will be done on your own time in week 1 and 2. Time commitment will be approx 3 hours per week and the prework must be complete before the live coaching calls.

Live Virtual Coaching Event Details:

Wednesday, February 15th
12pm – 2pm CST
Saturday, February 18th
10am – 4pm CST
Sunday, February 19th
10am – 4pm CST
Tuesday February 21st
12pm – 2pm CST 

Wednesday, February 15th
Saturday, February 18th
Sunday, February 19th
Tuesday February 21st

12:00pm – 2:00pm CST
10:00am – 4:00pm CST***
10:00am – 4:00pm CST***
12:00pm – 2:00pm CST 

That’s right…. you can rewire your subconscious programming and create the future you want in only 4 $REWIRE Coaching sessions!

You’ll finally be able to put all of your energy into your goals as your conscience and unconscious minds are aligned.

And when this happens, you’re simply unstoppable!

No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you’ve accomplished, (or haven’t accomplished), this will be the most profound, life-changing experience you’ve ever had.

Ready to uplevel yourself and make a bigger impact in the world?

This round of Rewire is Currently sold out.

Registration Closes in:

Dying to sign up but have some questions? See the FAQ below and if you still have a burning question and assuming there are spots open you can Register for the Q&A Call on Friday 1/26 at 1pm CST.

Frequently asked questions:

What if I can’t make some of the calls? Will it still work?

Simply put, then this is not for you. We are looking to work with those who are 100% committed and making the calls is imperative to the success of the coaching and getting the results you want.

Is this for people who live outside the US?

As long as you’re able to make the live calls, yes!

Is there a refund if I can’t make it or if it doesn’t work for me?

No and here’s why: Going into something with the idea that if it doesn’t work for you, you’ll get your money back perpetuates the limited belief that things don’t work for you.

It’s the exact feedback loop I will be breaking you through in this process.

If we offered money back then we would be robbing you of the opportunity to break this limiting belief and feedback cycle once and for all.

You must fully commit to your goals in order to reach success and this is how we ensure that you do.

Does this involve hypnosis?

Yes, this process involves a level of hypnosis that is similar to a mediation or the trance state that you go in and out of while driving the car, washing dishes etc.

This is not your sideshow hypnosis so you can go ahead and erase that from your mind.

It is important to note that this process requires you to have an open mind and be willing to explore things that you may not have tried and that may not make logical sense to you. If the thought of a guided meditation scares you then this may not be for you.

What if I don’t want to share personal experiences?

This is perfectly fine! You will not have to share anything with your small group if you don’t want to. You will get the same benefits just by showing up to the calls with your journal as I lead you through this life changing process.

This round of Rewire is Currently sold out.

Registration Closes in:

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