Video 4: The Connection And Solution Discovered

So today we’re going to dive into the next two portions of your webinar, which are the Connection Phase which is the heart of what we’ll be writing today, and then the Solution You Discovered which is a very quick and simple piece that will transition our audience into our next section, which is the Teaching Phase.

I think you’ll find that the Connection Phase will be one of your favorite parts of your webinar to write.


Because everyone likes to tell their story, and this is your chance to tell yours.

At the end of the day, people tend to purchase from those they know, like, and trust, so the goal of the Connection Phase is to build that bond and trust with your audience.

The best way to do that, is to be relatable, and the best way to be relatable, is to have a story of common problems, pain and frustration.

This section of your webinar, is all about shared feelings and emotions.

The more open, authentic, and revealing you are, the more trust you’ll build. The amount of power you create here, is directly proportional to the level of vulnerability you offer, so don’t be afraid to do that.

Your audience will think to themselves… Wow… If Mike’s willing to admit that, and be honest about that, then he really must understand and relate to my pain, and someone I can consider trustworthy.

So the formula for creating a connection with your audience, is most simply stated as, Feel, Felt, Found.

I know how you feel. I’ve felt the same way, and here’s what I found.

We’re going to break that down into more detailed steps, which are summarized as follows…

The Connection:

  1. So right now I’m going to show you how to _______, that will allow you to _______.
  2. The first thing that you need to know about ______, is ______. (Deliver a nugget of wisdom that foreshadows victory).
  3. Before I figured this out, life looked completely different…
  4. I tried everything, but nothing worked…
  5. If you’ve ever felt this way too, there’s a reason… (It’s not your fault).
  6. So I had a choice… I could make a change or fail.
  7. I decided to look for a solution that would solve all of these problems…

The Solution You Discovered:

  1. The Solution You Discovered – Here’s what I found…
  2. Once I learned this, everything changed…. (Here’s all the great stuff that happened after I made this discovery…)
  3. Why Does This Solution Actually Work? Because ______…

So let’s dive into each step, and my actual script from the 7FSP webinar below:

Part 1: So right now I’m going to show you how to _______, that will allow you to _______.

So right now I’m going to show you how to create a sales presentation that that has the ability to sell $1 Million dollars or more worth of your product or service this year.

Part 2: The first thing that you need to know about ______, is ______. (Deliver a nugget of wisdom that foreshadows victory).

So let’s start by defining what that kind of presentation looks like and what features it must contain.

In essence, you can think of it as the perfect sales robot.

  1. It works for your 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. It never gets tired. It gives the perfect sales pitch every single time, and it can give that pitch to an infinite number of people.
  2. It has the ability to take a complete stranger, and provide them with all of the information they need in order to make the decision to buy at that moment in time.
  3. It answers and addresses all of their questions or objections for you, so you don’t have to,
  4. And finally, it has the ability to accept their credit card as payment and process the order.

So what’s really important here, is that a 7-figure sales presentation… Your robot if you will… Is completely automated. It never requires your personal participation at anytime in the selling process.

And that’s they key, because that means it’s infinitely scalable, and that scalability is the difference between you making $50,000 per year, and $5 Million.

It’s why real estate agents, insurance salesman, doctors, lawyers, car salesman, and chiropractors all have a virtual ceiling on their income. The sales process requires their personal participation.

Part 3: Before I figured this out, my life looked completely different…

Back when I made this realization, I had a very different motivation that inspired me to start figuring this process out.

By the time I was in college, I knew that I wanted to work for myself. There was just no way that I was willing to let someone else dictate when I had to work, and how much I could make for the rest of my life.

So I started to explore all kinds of different business opportunities, but no matter what I did, I always ran into the same problem…

In order to make money, you had to eventually sell something to someone, which is obviously the definition of a business.

But I hated selling. I was horrible at it.

I was super shy and very introverted, and the thought of talking to a prospect in person, or over the phone petrified me.

Part 4: I tried everything, but nothing worked…

I thought they would judge me. I thought they would reject me, or that I was being a nuisance and they’d get mad at me.

And that I’d basically end up looking like this guy…

So I did what most people would do in that situation… I started posting links and telling people about my products online in forums or on social media sites which just pissed people off.

I’d ride my bike around shopping mall parking lots at night. I’d post fliers on phone poles, I’d buy leads, and everything else I could possibly find, and I hated every single minute of it.

I couldn’t figure out why other people could take the exact same product or service, and sell millions of dollars of it, while I couldn’t sell any, especially after years of trying every single thing they suggested.

I’d constantly have to fight back the fear that I’m just not cut out for this. That I just don’t have what it takes.

Part 5: If you’ve ever felt this way too, there’s a reason… (It’s not your fault).

And if you’ve ever felt like this as well, there’s a reason.

This skill-set wasn’t taught to any of us. We’re not offered “how to become a sales wizard” classes in school, so the only way you’d even have a chance of learning how, is if you happened to take a sales job at some point once you’re in the real world.

So don’t be hard on yourself, because this isn’t common knowledge.

You have to seek it out, which is what you’ve done here today, and you’ll be glad you did.

So while I hated the thought of selling and my constant failure at it, I hated the thought of being broke for the rest of my life even more, so I kept hacking away at this business thing for the next 6 years, without zero success.

And finally… In year 6, I was waiting tables at a PF Chang’s during the day, and being mentored by some great coaches named Mark and Todd at night, who started to teach me how to have confidence with people over the phone, and slowly but surely, I started to turn the corner and get results.

Within a few months, I’d acquired dozens of customers and make a tiny bit of money for the very first time, but instead of feeling elated, I felt devastated inside

Why? Because I’d spent the past six years of my life overcoming my fears, and now that I had, I realized that if this is what my life will be like… If I have to call 50 strangers a day chasing after people to pitch them on a product and overcome objection after objections to close the sales for the rest of my life, I had no interest in doing that.

Part 6: So I had a choice… I could make a change or fail.

So I had a choice.

Either I had to figure out a way to build my business in a way that I’d enjoy, which meant I’d never have to chase people down, pursue them, pitch them over the phone, or convince them of anything…

Or I’d have to go start over from scratch doing something else.

Part 7: I decided to look for a solution that would solve all of these problems…

So I decided to look for a solution… And I found something that would change my life forever…

The Solution You Discovered…

So at this point, we’re officially done with the Connection Phase, and we’re now moving into The Solution You Discovered.

Our goal here is to end the pain that we brought up in the Connection Phase, and to provide relief… To let them know that there’s a happy ending to this story, and indeed, a solution that will solve all of their problems.

We also want to foreshadow what their future could look like thanks to this solution.

If the Connection Phase is your “Before” story, the Solution You Discovered is your “After”.

Part 1: Here’s what I found…

I discovered the concept of direct response marketing.

Direct Response is a type of marketing campaign designed to create an immediate action and even sell products right in the ad, without the need to talk to a prospect first.

I realized that I could simply write or record a sales presentation that would do all of the telling and selling for me, which took ME out of the equation. I could essentially SELL without being there in person to screw it all up.

So I bought every book and course on direct response marketing I could find, and I started writing my first sales presentation which was this letter on a simple little website I made from scratch.

And this is a picture of that first letter here. It was 18 pages long and those 18 pages could take a complete stranger on the internet, educate them about my $39 book, and take their order.

And in fact, here’s a picture of one of the original copies I’d have printed at Kinko’s every week.

Part 2: Once I learned this, everything changed…. (Here’s all the great stuff that happened after I made this discovery…)

Within a few weeks I had replaced my income waiting tables, and told my boss goodbye.

As I was about to throw my uniform into the trash, he said keep it. Because I’d probably be back in a month.

Well I did come back. About a year later to have lunch, and I drove there in my brand new $180,000 Aston Martin.

Within a few months, I was selling 50 copies of that e-book per day. If you do the math, that’s $2,000 in sales per day, or $60,000 per month.

I’d done it. I’d figured out a way to sell any service or product online, and I never had to speak to a single person over the phone or in person to do it.

Within the next two years, I’d go on to create additional courses to sell, and I wrote more sales letters.

By 2009, my sales presentations were producing over $500,000 per month in automated revenue for me.

My life would never be the same again, and once you acquire this skill-set, the same will be true for you.

Part 3: Why Does This Solution Actually Work? Because _____…

So what’s the secret?

How can you write a letter that can grab the attention of a stranger, inform, educate, and inspire them to buy your product a few minutes later?

It’s psychology.

Think of a human brain as having 12 different psychological switches on it. Well it’s no coincidence that our sales presentations (or our robots) have 12 different components or triggers, and each one is designed to flip its corresponding switch.

When all 12 of them are switched from off, to on, the brain gives the green light to make the purchase.

SO we’re going to dive into those now.

This is the good stuff. This information is literally worth millions and millions of dollars to your business, so listen up.

And before I forget, this is critical…

When it comes to selling any product or service, you have to understand what you’re really selling, and this analogy will help you do that. Write it down.

“No one buys a drill because they want a drill. They buy a drill because they want a hole.”

No one’s buys a home gym membership because they want to go to the gym. They buy a gym membership because they want to feel good about the way they look in the mirror.

No one buys a course on marketing because you want to read a course. You buy a course on marketing because you want to make more money.

So make sure that you realize that your customer is not actually buying the product or service they’re buying. They’re buying the benefit or result it will give them.

Ok, so now that we have that covered, here’s Step 1 of our Formula that we’re going to program our robot with…

So we’ve just gone through the Connection Phase of your webinar, and the Solution You Discovered.

As always, you’ll find the complete outline for each Phase below, along with the text from my personal webinar script so you can use that as an example.

Next, we dive into the the Teaching Phase of your webinar.

Mike Dillard

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