Video 6: The Other Problem

Alright, so now we’re going to start to get into the parts of our webinar that I really enjoy…

Our viewers have just completed the teaching phase of your presentation, which means we have arrived at the point in our webinar where we need to transition our audience from students, to prospective customers…

And the good news is that if you delivered some really great content, they should be salivating to work with you on a higher level.

So your goal today is to write the transition portion of your webinar into the “Other Problem”

What is the big ugly troll standing in the way of victory for your customers, and how will your product solve that final problem?

As always, you’ll find the transcript to the Other Problem portion of my webinar below so you can model it, and I’ll see you in the next video.

– Mike Dillard


So what if you knew how to do this?

Can you see that you’re just one single sales presentation away from changing your life forever?

Well it’s possible. You’ve just seen with your own eyes that you can create a simple, automated sales presentation that can make your business millions of dollars per year, without having to talk to a single person in the process.

That you can sell a product or service in a way that your prospects appreciate and feel good about.

And that you can start using this strategy right now in your business, no matter what your personality type is, or what kind of budget you have.

Mastering this skillset is the key to your financial freedom, because you can use it over and over again to sell anything you feel passionate about and that you believe in.

Which means money will never be an issue for you again.

So where do you go from here?

Well if you feel confident enough to take this knowledge and run with it, please do!

It’s now yours…

But some words of caution…

As with most things in life, when it comes to creating your presentation, success will be found in the details.

Just because you know how the game of football is played, doesn’t mean you can walk onto the field and win a Super Bowl.

Well it’s no different here. What I’ve just shared with you today are the rules of sales and persuasion, and it took me about a year and a half of dedicated study and practice to really master this art.

Was it worth it?

Obviously. Learning this is what allowed me to go from waiting tables, to making my first million dollars within 18 months, but I studied and practiced every night for 2-3 hours straight after I’d get home from work.

The bottom line is that you can’t skip the process.

If you want to become a doctor, you have to go through med school. If you want to make money online, you have to learn how to create effective sales presentations. Period.

But two years is a long time, and I don’t know what your confidence level is when it comes to creating one of these presentations on your own might be right now…

20%? 30%? 50%?

Well what would your confidence level be if I walked you through the entire process step-by-step and line-by-line? Would that increase your confidence level to the 90% range?

And what if we could shorten your learning curve down from 2 years, to just two months?

Well today I’m going to give a few of you that opportunity.

So here’s how we’re going to do that…

Mike Dillard

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