Video 3: Writing The Orientation Phase Of Your Webinar

Alright, so now that we have the title for our webinar, and we know what we’re going to teach, it’s time to start writing the actual script, so today we’re going to start with the very beginning of our webinar, which is called the Orientation.

In the Orientation Phase, we’re looking to accomplish a list of 11 specific items…

  1. We need to acknowledge the Big Idea and the value proposition that we’re offering today, which means we need to remind them why they’re here, and how they’re going to benefit.
  2. We want to provide a reason for the existence of this webinar… Why did you put all of this time and effort into holding this training session?
  3. We want to recognize our target audiences so people feel like the presentation will be relevant to them.
  4. We want to acknowledge that we know what they’re really after.
  5. We want to provide proof of what they’re going to learn. For example, I’m going to teach you how to grow the biggest and juiciest vegetables you’ve ever seen, by showing you exactly what I did to win the Garden State Tomato Contest last year.
  6. We want to spell out our goals for the webinar.
  7. We want to state why this information is important and relevant to them right now.
  8. We want to share our agenda to the webinar so they know what they can look forward to.
  9. We need to introduce ourselves and give them information about our background and why we have value to offer them.
  10. We need to demonstrate that this webinar is exactly what they’ve been looking for.
  11. And finally, we need to reduce skepticism, and assume a position of abundance and leadership by demonstrating a willingness to kick people out, and by setting the rules and expectations for the show.

If you were to sum up each section into a single slide, they would look like this…

  1. Welcome to today’s training webinar on how to __________, without _______ and ________.
  2. I put together this webinar because… (Reason Why)
  3. So whether you’re _____, ______, or _____, this webinar is for you. (Identify Target Audience)
  4. Today I’m going to show you how to _______, without ______, ______, and ______,
  5. I’m going to teach you how to do this by showing you how I _________.
  6. I have three goals for you today ______, ______, and if you stick around to the very end, I’m even going to _______.
  7. Here’s why this is important to you right now…
  8. Here’s our agenda…
  9. Here’s why I’m qualified to teach you…
  10. Is this really for you?
  11. House Rules

Here’s My Copy From The 7FSP Webinar For You To Model: (In Green)

Part 1: Obviously at the very start we want to introduce ourselves, welcome everyone to the webinar, and to quickly state their biggest desire.

Hey everyone, Mike Dillard here and welcome to today’s training session, I’m extremely glad that you made it, because today I get to pass along a skillset to you, that completely changed my life years ago…

And that skillset is the ability to sell millions of dollars of any product or service you want, automatically.

Part 2: Once we have your headline, I like to give a reason why I’m holding this webinar in the first place.

So I decided to hold this webinar because I’m constantly asked how to create effective sales presentations whether that’s a sales letter, a sales video, or a webinar, so today I’m going to take you behind the curtain and show you exactly how to create all 3 of those.

And my secret is this guy…

I like to think of my sales presentations as sales robots, who sells all of my products and services for me automatically, and that’s how I’d like you to think about them as well.

And when you program him with the right information, he’s incredibly effective.

In fact he’s made me and my businesses over $50,000,000 in the past 10 years, and today I’m going to show you how to create your own sales robot just like him.

Part 3: Next, we want to acknowledge and include our target audience so they know they’re in the right place…

For my webinar, the topic of selling is incredibly broad, so I want to make sure everyone knows that no matter what they’re selling, or what kind of business they have, this webinar will be of value to them.

So whether you’re selling, ebooks, online education courses, insurance, real estate, raising capital for your startup, coaching and consulting, a network marketing business, membership site, personal training services,

Or anything else that you can possibly think of…

Part 4: Next, we state our big desire and the three obstacles in the way…

Today I’m going to teach you how to sell your products or services, in a really awesome way that makes everyone feel good, without ever having to talk to a single person in the process. In fact, you will become the hunted instead of the hunter, and your customers will come to you.

I’m going to show you exactly how to do that, even if you’re an extremely shy, and introverted person who shudders at the thought of having to sell anything to anyone.

And I’m going to show you how to sell your product, without spending a dime of your money on advertising, or cold calling anyone… Ever…

At this point, we want to demonstrate that we have a solid plan for today’s webinar, and we want to provide proof that we can deliver the goods.

So for me, I outline the 3 case studies I’m going to share with them today, and provide screenshots for proof of results.

Part 5: I’m going to teach you this by showing you…

And I’m going to teach you this process, by showing you how I’ve used it over the past 10 years, to sell tens-of-millions of dollars of my own products and services online, in three real world case studies…

The first example we’ll go over this this sales presentation that I wrote when I was 27 years old, and that went on to make over $25 MM in sales.

Then I’m going to walk you through this VSL presentation, which produced over $138,000 in 7 days, and an on-going residual income that’s currently at $48,000 per month.

And if you stick around to the end, I’m going to walk you through this presentation and show you how it’s currently producing up to $256,000 per month in sales.

So I’m going to take you behind the scenes of three different sales presentations,

and yes I’m going to show you actual screenshots from my shopping cart so you can verify that those numbers are real and accurate.

And these presentations are for three different products, with three different price points, in three different industries.

Every single one of them is totally automated, which means they do 100% of the telling and selling for you,

And all three of them work really really well, because they all use the same exact selling process I’m going to teach you today. Basically it’s a recipe, and if you follow the recipe, there’s a very good chance you’ll get the result.

Part 6: My Primary Goal(s) For You Today…

In this section, we want to clearly summarize how the viewer will benefit from what they’re about to learn. We want to prove that there’s no doubt that they will be able to achieve or overcome our 3 big challenges.

So Let’s Start With My Primary Goal For You Today…

Which is to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that every single person on here can do three things…

  1. You can learn how to create a simple, automated sales presentation that can make your business millions of dollars per year, without having to talk to a single person in the process.
  2. That you can sell a product or service without being pushy or manipulative in anyway. In fact your prospects will look at your with gratitude and appreciation when you use this process.
  3. And that you can implement this strategy no matter what your personality type is, or what kind of budget you have.
 Part 7: Why This is Important To You Now…

In this section, our goal is to make sure they understand that this information is timely, and relevant to them right now.

Why This is Important To You…

Learning how to do this will change your life forever, and by change your life, I mean that you’ll never have to worry about money again.

When you have the ability to sell a product on demand, you have the ability to make money on demand.

I struggled as an entrepreneur for six years. For six years I chased people, I begged people, and I never made a dime. And then I learned this skillset, and within 18 months, I’d made my first million dollars when I was 27, but I’ll tell you more about that, and show you exactly how I did it later in the session.

And by the way, if you haven’t done so already, please make sure you close down Facebook and have a pen and paper handy to take some notes, because you will definitely want to.

Part 8: Today’s Agenda… (Optional)

This is an opportunity to expand on the benefits they’ll receive on your webinar today. This step is optional.

Alright, so here’s our specific agenda for today’s training…

  • Taking a complete stranger on the internet, and inspiring them to pull out their credit card and buy your product or service is one of the biggest challenges on the planet.There are very specific series of psychological switches that must be flipped in their brain, in order to get them to go from a stranger, to a customer, and today you’re going to get that formula.There are 12 switches, I’m going to show you how to program your little sales robot with all 12. Once you do, you will have an extremely effective sales presentation for ANY product or service, and an automated selling machine that works like crazy.
  • If you are shy or introverted and the thought of selling anything to anyone makes you sick to your stomach, I totally get it, because that’s how used to be until I found this strategy. Once I did, everything changed, and if you’re the same way, I’m going to change your life today.
  • Now the difference between someone who makes $50,000 to $100,000 per year selling a product or service, (such as insurance or real estate) and someone who makes $1 MM+, is scale.So I’m also going to teach you how to use some amazing, brand new technology that’s available today, to automate your presentation so that it can act as your own personal sales force that tells your story and sells your products for you, 24/7. I don’t own the company, it’s simply one of the tools I personally use in my own business.
  • There are three types of sales presentations you can use… There’s the written sales letter. The video sales letter, and the webinar. If you’ve been online at all for the past decade, you’ve seen all of them, and today I’m going to show you how to create those same presentations for your business and show you which one you should use for your specific products.
  • Next, we’re going to talk about eyeballs. If no one sees your presentation, it’s worthless, so I’m going to show you how to put your presentation in front of thousands of people in your target audience every single day, without spending a dime out of your pocket.
  • And last, but not least, I’m going to show you how to create your sales presentation in a way that’s so honest, transparent, and valuable to your prospects and audience, that they will actually thank you for sharing it with them, and tell their friends and colleagues about it as well.

In total, it’s probably going to take me around 90 minutes or so to go through everything, so please make sure you’re paying attention.

Part 9: My Background: (Why I’m Qualified To Teach You…)

So this is your opportunity to provide proof of your expertise, and to gain trust.

This is when you want to pull out the humble-brag… Which means you want to brag and list your accomplishments, but you want to do it humbly.

Now as for my qualifications when it comes to teaching this topic, well many of you have probably heard my story, so I’m going to keep this mercifully short…

I created my first sales presentation in 2007 which I’ll show you here in a bit. It was for an ebook that I had written, and I started to sell it online using this formula.

Within 18 months I was able to go from dead-broke and waiting tables, to selling over $500,000 worth of that book and it’s related courses every single month.

In 2010 I my passion had turned towards finance and investing. I didn’t know much about the subject, but it’s all that I ever talked about, so I started a new business in that niche.

So to launch that business I created another sales presentation using the method I’m going to show you today. The results?

That presentation produced $3.2 million in revenue it it’s first 7 days, and by the end of the first year, it would produce over $10,000,000 in sales.

Over 400,000 entrepreneurs subscribe to my email newsletter, and I currently have one of the top podcasts in the world in iTunes, with guests like Tony Robbins, and Daymond John from Shark Tank.

Obviously it goes without saying that having that level of financial success has been great, but what’s really mattered most, is the lifestyle that learning how to sell has allowed me to live, which is a life of complete freedom.

There are some really big moments in my highlight reel that I’m incredibly grateful for, like spending two weeks on Necker Island with Richard Branson, or racing in the Mint 400 with Patrick Dempsey, or having the freedom to live in Aspen for two months every summer…

But what learning how to sell has provided that I’m most grateful for over the years, has been the little things…

Like having the freedom to wake up every morning whenever I want, or buying food and clothes without ever having to look at the price tag, or having the ability to provide substantial support to causes that I care about like the Make A Wish Foundation where we were recently named Corporation of the Year in Texas, and as one of the 100 Members of The Well for Charity: Water, along-side Tony Hawk, quarterback Matthew Hasselbeck, Jeff Foxworthy, the co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, and Gary Vaynerchuk.

Part 10: Who This Is For…

In this section, we want to help solidify that this webinar will address their current challenges or desires, and it’s also going to serve as a transition to the take-away or the disqualification of certain people in our next House Rules section…

You’ll notice that we use a simple “If X, then Y” format for each of these bullets…

So now that you know a little about my background, is this material and training session today, going to be useful and relevant to you? Who is this for?

  • If you make your income though the sale of a product or service, then yes this is especially for you.
  • If you are an business owner, entrepreneur, or inventor, who wants to sell millions of dollars worth of your product, or raise money for your startup, then this is for you.
  • If you are a shy or introverted person who cringes at the thought of selling anything to anyone, but you know that if you could just figure this out, it would change your life forever, this is especially relevant to you, and we will solve that problem once and for all.
  • If you have a cash flow problem in your personal life or your business, and if you’d like to learn a skillset that can increase your income by 3-10X within the next year or so, then this is for you.
  • And finally, if you want to learn how to create and scale an automated sales campaign that will allow you or your business to go from making 5 or 6 figures in income per year, to 7 or 8 figures, then today’s training session will show you exactly how to do that.
Part 11: House Rules…

Alright, so we’ve now arrived at the final portion of the orientation phase of our webinar, and this is called the House Rules Section.

Our goal in House Rules is to address any additional skepticism held by our viewers, and we’re going to do that in two ways… We’re going to disqualify people by stating who this is not for. This willingness to basically kick people out is a sign of confidence and abundance, instead of neediness and scarcity, which are both qualities of a proven leader.

Second, we want to include any disclaimer that may be appropriate for your industry and topic of discussion.

We want to include this disclaimer because it’s good and necessary from a legal perspective, but we also want to include it as an additional means of disassociating ourselves from overly zealous sales people who only say what their prospects want to hear.

This demonstration of transparency, honesty, and authenticity will continue to breakdown skepticism, and increase trust.

Now with that being said, I have some house rules before we dive into the content…

  • I refuse to pander to anything that resembles or supports a get-rich-quick mentality. So if you’re looking for some kind of a do-nothing type of miracle sales gimmick that will just magically make you rich, I’m sorry to say that you will certainly not find that here, nor anywhere else, because there is no such thing. I’m going to teach you a skill-set today.
  • The process I’m going to share with you today works as well as it does, because it’s based on honesty, transparency, and empowerment of the customer. Unfortunately this formula can also be used by bad people to do bad things. If you are someone who wants to manipulate or take advantage of people for your own personal benefit, this is not for you, and I would appreciate if you would leave the room now. Ultimately, the only way to get what you want in life, is to help others get what they want, so if you do not have a sincere desire to help others and deliver an incredible amount of value to others, then this isn’t going to work out for you.
  • I’ve just thrown some pretty big numbers at you here over the past few minutes. I’ve told you that I made my first million dollars while in my 20’s. I told you that my second company made $3.2 Million in its first 7 days of business using this process, and that my companies have produced over $50 Million in revenue over the last 10 years. I think it should be fairly obvious, but I’ll say it anyway… My results are not even remotely typical. It took me years of study and work to figure this stuff out, and to master this process and while I can give you a massive shortcut today, you will ultimately have to put in the required time and work.
  • And while I hope that you surpass my levels of success as a handful of my students actually have, I’m not going to remotely suggest or claim that you’re going to make a dime because I don’t have control over your decisions and actions.
  • Following our theme of honesty and transparency today, we both know that the vast majority of people who watch or buy training materials of any kind will never get any results or make any money at all, just as most people who bought a Bowflex have it sitting in their garage collecting dust.
  • They want the end result, but at the end of the day, they’re simply not willing to put in the time or work to make it happen. The one’s who do, get the reward.

Alright, so if you’re still with me after that little rant, dive in and get to work…

Mike Dillard

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