Victory Mastermind Testimonial

Brian Fanale

“Mike Dillard is a genius when it comes business, period. Everything he touches turns to gold. Mike can analyze any business model in any niche and increase it’s profitability by a factor of 10x. In fact, I built an 8-Figure business following his trainings, philosophies, and principles.”

Bradley Chase

“What an amazing and humbling opportunity your mentoring group is! just joined two days ago and have learned more in these past two days than l have in the last two years!

I already have three notebooks full of the best tips, strategies and advice. Mike, I have been studying you for the last three years, and you need to know that this Mentoring program has been the best opportunity of yours for me personally. Thank you for over delivering as you always do!”

Ashley Jackson

“Mike Dillard you have given me the biggest AH-HA moment of my life!! Pandora’s box was opened and I jumped up outta my sleep today…”

Cory Suggs

“Loving it brother… You’ve been a tremendous help to me over the years… Much gratitude… I’m excited to see where this chapter will take you! My advice to every one on here… Follow, subscribe, listen to the podcast and buy whatever Mike is selling… I’ve made my living online for the past 4 or 5 years now and Mike Dillard was the one who taught me how to do it… I’ve found several mentors over the past few years but I still watch/read/listen to everything that he puts out and always will… I wish you all success!”

Steven Bransfield

“My name is Steven Bransfield and I’m 22 years old. In January I found Mike Dillard Mentoring and it changed my life forever. I didn’t know anything about internet marketing back then but you opened up my mind to the possibilities of selling products online.

At the time I was a sophomore in college and it was around then when you posted an ad looking for the ultimate “rockstar” assistant which I applied for.

I knew that if I wanted to become successful I needed to find a mentor, someone like yourself, to help me fast track my success.

Unfortunately I was not accepted for the role. However, it did lead me down a new path that changed my life forever…

I started my own business, and in less than two years, I just had my first $100,000 month. This is a huge achievement for me and I wanted to personally email you to thank you for getting me started in the world of online marketing.

Mike Dillard Mentoring changed the course of my life forever and this year as a result I will go on to earn my first million dollars at just 22 years old.

Thank you so much for all the information you’ve provided to me & I look forward to meeting you someday. Much thanks!”

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